Brig Imran Rashid Visit – TOKOYO, JAPAN
-Two member delegation headed by Brig Imran Rashid (Retd) and Major Mazhar GSO 11 Military operations Directorate, GHQ participated in Preparatory Meeting held at Tokyo, Japan from 23 Aug 2017 to 25 Aug 2017. This meeting was a precursor to the Vancouver Ministerial Meeting which was scheduled to be held on 14 -15 Nov 2017. The meeting was attended by military, police and civilian persons from 32 Member states as well as the European Union and High Ranking Officials from UN. The objective of the meeting was to prepare insight and potential deliverables / pledges related to the main theme Innovation in training and capacity building.
The meeting was conducted in three sessions as under:
a. Session 1:
Key discussions points and recommendations on training and capacity building developments and challenge
b. Session 2:
Key discussions points and recommendations on UN capability requirements
c. Session 3:
Key discussions points and recommendations on Current Best Practices, existing gaps and UN capability requirements
Pakistan Participants during discussions highlighted some key considerations which were:
- Streamlining the training regime conducted by different peacekeeping training centres/ institutions which should be uniform. In this regard ITS should send teams to overview conduct of training of certain Centre/ Institutions.
- Best practices/ lessons learnt by various contributing TCC/ PCC in missions should be shared with different peacekeeping training centres/ institutions as well as DPO/ DOS which can help in refining training standards.
- Increasing the representation of women peacekeepers and integrating gender is a positive step. However, major contributing TCC/ PCC should be involved in the process for a pragmatic and positive feedback in the role female peacekeepers contributions within a mission.
- The concept of Regional Peacekeeping Training Centre should be considered. This will help train peacekeepers from various armies on sensitive issues like Protection of Civilians, Human Rights, Use Of Force and Counter IED/ EOD