United Nations Comprehensive Protection of Civilians Course (UNCPoCC-12)
UN Certified Course
The United Nations Comprehensive Protection of Civilians Course – 12 (UNCPoCC – 12) was held from 19 February 2024 to 01 March 2024. This UN-certified course was conducted with the purpose to educate and sensitize the participants about the functioning of the UN, the roles and responsibilities of the Peacekeepers, and educating participants about working in peacekeeping operations to develop a conceptual framework for PoC.
The course was attended by 36 participants from diverse backgrounds, including military personnel and civilians from various institutions. Notably, there were 4 serving officers, 6 retired officers from the Pakistan Army, and 26 civilians representing various educational institutions.
Conduct Methodology.
The participants went through an initial test at the commencement of the course. The course mainly focused on the latest Specialized Training Material (STM) for the Protection of Civilians. However, important and relevant lectures from the Core Pre-deployment Training Module (CPTM 2107) were included. Subject Matters Experts (SMEs) including representatives from UN organizations also delivered lectures. Moreover, the interaction of both army officers and civilian participants fostered a collaborative environment conducive to mutual learning and the exchange of insights from diverse perspectives on peacekeeping.
Closing Ceremony.
During the closing ceremony, Dr. Muhammad Makki, Associate Dean of CIPS, extended compliments to the participants of UNCPOC-12 for their successful completion of the course. He commended the dedication and commitment demonstrated by each participant throughout the program. Dr. Makki acknowledged the participants’ keen interest and their valuable contributions to fostering a collective understanding of the course, both in theory and practice. He particularly acknowledged the valuable contributions of subject matter experts such as Dr. Rathoor from, Brig H. Chohan, Mr. Tanveer Hussain from UNOCHA, Mr Rajwal from UNAIDS, and other esteemed representatives of the UN.